Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Taking the plunge

The last 2 days have been a little rough in coming to terms with the possibility of suffering from PPD. I'm going though so many emotions.....I feel like I'm on a roller coster that goes from 0-60 mph in 3 seconds..I want off!
I finally caved (trying desperately to fight back the tears) and told my husband what I have been going
through lately and the signs I have been experiencing. He was nothing but supportive.....the emotional level that has been lacking in our relationship seemed to come back 10 fold and I REALLY needed it.
I finally took the plunge and I am reaching out...making it public that "No, I am NOT ok" I need support....my 2nd plunge that made it real was sending my Dr. an email with my concerns...waiting on a reply to see what the next step is from here.
I'm already feeling the relief.

Cute little story about my first born...I picked him up from school yesterday and I told him we had to go to the police department to pick up a police report for the identity theft (I'm the victim) and he told me that when he grows up he wants to be a police officer and a grocery store helper. I asked him what a grocery store helper was and he replied "a person that gives people food"...oh my gosh how cute is my lil dude?

Yesterday was the "official" day of my lil KoKo Chum Chum crawling.....look out here comes

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are reaching out to others. I will pray that you are able to conquer the PPD!
